New mud video on

Kinga is Andrea's friend (Andrea is the girl from update #0068). You probably remember how we met her, and those who downloaded the update with Andrea remember that Kinga has been sitting quietly, watching her friend model for us until she "learned" enough. So she removed her heels, stepped carefully into the mud pit, and she started to play with the messy stuff. Andrea was nice enough to wait for her friend to finish and both girls played in the mud for about 10 minutes. Enjoy watching them.

New remastered videos was added to the download store (6 wetlook hunter videos)
Check them out here:

It passes me why they are located after the previous one but I asked the tech support and I hope something can be done for the new videos to be on the top.

How about for something different? Off topic might say... but if we can get someone's day better then it's worth a try ;) and it's difinitely on topic if someone will use this as a boost for the day.

Introducing quote of the day folks:

And today's quote is from one of the briliant minds that live on this earth:

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
Walt Disney

bond76876 I have one without and doubt flat out Colin mcrae

New wetlook video on

You probably still remember Erika (video T317c3) and those who saw the update know how happy she was to get into the pool. So we invited her to be a part of a wetlook shooting and there she is, in a new pool session, this time she is wearing a satin evening gown and heels.

New messy video on

It's the beginning of the evening and Michaela is ready for a "cocktail party". She chose the outfit very carefully and she put on a pair of black heels and black pantyhose. Watch her mess her fancy outfit in the mud.

New free video on
Lara is posing in the summer sun and under a cold shower. A great combination if you ask her.

New video in the prime section
(will be available on and download store in one month)

What do you do when you have nothing to do? Some laundry maybe? Or a refreshing shower? Or both?
Barby has chosen the third option...

Flav from EuroWAM One for the socks fans

New video in the download store:
and on

Did you ever wondered why do girls put make up on when they are going to the gym or joging?
Well, whatever the truth might be, it is not because afterwards they will make a wetlook session.
Enjoy Karin's make up ;)

Free video for 24 hours on H001c2:

Timi is drinking a cup of coffee, expecting to go out to a club with her girlfriend. Her friend did not show up and Timi was stuck at home all dressed up for a party she not going to. As a result, she decided that she would do something that she wanted to do for a long time: Her friend told her that it is a great thing to get wet fully clothed. Since she was all alone at home, sure that no one will bother her, she went ahead and did it - she took a dip in the jacuzzi all dressed up, with pantyhose and sandals on. Enjoy!

New wetlook video on
Who knows how many pair of jeans have our beautiful Anna in her closet? BUT we committed to show them all to you so we will keep shooting jeans scenes with her... Enjoy a new update on the sea side.