New wetlook hunter video on

Beata works as a saleswoman in a small shop, and she was on her way to work when we saw her on a cold winter day. She was perfect for it because even if her outfit was a winter one, I liked how those tight jeans matched with her boots, black jacket and (I presumed, because of the season) a sweater underneath. After a small run - because she was in a hurry, I was able to catch her and I quickly explained what we had in mind. I thought that if she will say no I would not loose any more time with the pointless chat because it was really freezing. She said yes, surprisingly easily. ...With one condition: Since we were close to her job, she said that she had to ask her boss or supervisor to let her play in our reality show, and that I should wait for her (which I did of course). I don't know what she told her supervisor (her boss was not at work), but the main thing was that she got her free afternoon and we got ourselves another beautiful Hungarian girl to get wet for you. Enjoy watching Beata's session.

A dunk tank video was added to the
This was the last update with Agatha for the dunk tank fans. A late night dunk in the light of the spotlights. Entirely different sensation.

New video on"

We have to agree that Anna is beautiful, wet or dry... BUT we prefer her wet of course ;)

New mud video on

Izabella poses in the mud wearing her own denim dress (this is the last time she will wear this dress) so hopefully many of the mud fans will enjoy the view :) Wash off included in the end of the mud scene.

New free video for 48 hours:

Orsi is Dalma's friend (video T391c1) and she is the second one from the 4 girls who got their clothes messy that day. The best part is that we cannot say she did not enjoy being completely covered with mud.

New wam hunter session on

Brigi is Orsi and Dalma's friend and she is the third one into the mud (check out T391c1 and T391c2) for her friends. and as you can guess after she watched her friends messing themselves she can't wait to get her white blouse and black pants completely covered with mud (of course we can just guess what she thought, but IF she did not leave the mud pit, it clearly means that she enjoyed what she saw and she wanted to try it).

Free video for 24 hours - Courtesy of
After she did some laundry Virag tried to see if she can clean her outfit while she still wearing it. Denim fans have a few reasons to enjoy this video.

New video in the prime section.
It will be available on and EuroWAM download store on October 2

Two business ladies and a game that will get them both very muddy. Of course, there was a lot of fun till the end and the wash off session is included as well.

A new mud play session in the download store:
and on

A slight change in the style.
We gave our girls (Narina and Rana) a ball and we let everything else on them to decide. One thing is for sure, they visited the muddy water pretty often.

New gunge video on

Csilla covers her casual outfit with loads of blue slime. Then she slowly takes off her jacket and her jeans messing her nylons and blouse and after she messed them properly she took those off as well ending the session in her lingerie.