Remastered on EUROWAM.
While the cameraman and I were walking through a park, we saw Nico playing on a bench with her cell phone. So she obviously had some time to kill and I was ready to offer her a nice way to kill it. She seemed to be a nice girl and she proudly asserted that she works for a British company - so, OF COURSE, she speaks English! :) She was on her lunch break, and she was dressed for the office with a black skirt, white shirt (that went completely seethru in the water ;) ), black heels and black pantyhose. She also told me that she is in fact the manager of the local office for the British company, but she did not tell me which company... Anyway, the point is that she didn't tell me that her boss was waiting for her to get back to the office, this being the reason she could not come with me. What was the reason she soaked her business clothes in the sea? I will let you discover all by yourself, while you watch the clip.